Chasten - Prithee API Reference docs

This is prithee's API reference, which is delibterately terse. The alternative is the more voluminous conceptual introduction, which has greater detail and usage guidance.

The NPM package @chasten/prithee exports the following properties.



Object({ COEFFECTS, EFFECTS }) -> middleware


Takes an Object with one or both of the keys COEFFECTS and EFFECTS, and returns a middleware capable of injecting coeffects into and performing side effects for the handler it wraps. The COEFFECTS option tells prithee how to calculate coeffects and the EFFECTS option tells prithee how to perform side effects. See their respective API reference entries or the general conceptual introduction for much more info.


const { COEFFECTS, EFFECTS, fn } = require('@chasten/prithee');

const middleware = fn({
    user(request) {
      return myDatabase.statefulQuery(request.url);
  [EFFECTS]: {
    log(data) {
      console.log(new Date(), data);



Type: Symbol

Usage: { [COEFFECTS]: { coeffect(request) { return data; } } }


Use this symbol as key in the options objects passed to fn. The value should be an object where the keys are coeffect names and the values are functions taking a request object and returning whatever data your application needs.


const { COEFFECTS, fn } = require('@chasten/prithee');

const middleware = fn({
    currentTime() {
      return new Date();
    async user(request) {
      const url = new URL(request.url, 'http://localhost');
      const id = url.searchParams.get('userId');
      return {
        ... await database.get(id),
        ... await redis.get(`rateLimit:${request.ip}`),



Type: Symbol

Usage: { [EFFECTS]: { effect(yourArg) { sideEffect(); } } }


Use this symbol as key in the options objects passed to fn. The value should be an object where the keys are effect names and the values are functions taking whatever you'd like as argument and carrying out the desired side effect.


const { EFFECTS, fn } = require('@chasten/prithee');

const middleware = fn({
  [EFFECTS]: {
    log(text) {
      console.log({ timestamp: new Date(), text });